Today, everyone is using white transparent backgrounds for their product images. White backgrounds can make the products stand out and appear neater and more sophisticated. When buyers are browsing through product images, a white background can make buyers’ attention more focused on the product instead of being distracted by the background or other unnecessary details. E-commerce professionals believe that a clear white background can bring more sales to the product.

What makes a product picture with a white background so magical? Let’s analyze what are the advantages of pictures with white backgrounds.
1.Highlights the Product
Images are the key to online selling. Sellers must minimize visual elements in product images other than the product itself. Choosing a white background will avoid distraction and allow the buyers to focus on the product.

2.Promotes Consistency
“If you want to be taken seriously, be consistent.” Considering white background photography for the images on your product page can promote consistency.
And consistency makes the customers feel that a brand is professional and trustworthy. Besides, product images look more organized with background removal or white background and allow the customers to browse through them easily.
Editing product images can be labor-intensive and expensive. It would cost you a lot to edit thousands of images for your website or eCommerce store. Although there is always an option to hire an in-house editor, it may be an impractical decision as product photos are only edited once and do not require any changes or modifications once uploaded.
4.Optimizes and Minimizes the File Size
Another major benefit of having a white background is that it reduces the file size, making it easier to upload. Smaller file sizes can increase the website’s loading speed, apart from meeting the upload standards.
No doubt, a longer page load time can annoy the customers, and they may exit the website without making any purchase. It can also lead to decreased search ranking and consequent lost sales.
5.Makes the Product Look Clean
While you may think that customers prefer extravagance and complex product images, it is not true. In fact, potential buyers get dissuaded from purchasing when the product image is too distracting.

Using imgkits you can quickly remove the background of the product, you just need to click the button to upload a photo, imgkits will intelligently recognize the processing and erase the background of the uploaded photo to become a picture with a white transparent background, you can also do other colors to fill the background color, or fill other photos as the background to combine a new photo.