(Works great even if you don’t know how to use Photoshop and other tools)

With all the photographry resources available today, snapping shots is easier than ever before. Taking a picture is as easy as pressing a button on your smartphone. You can even apply effects and artistic filters to the result. And all this is great for posting photos on Instagram. But what if you need more? What if you want to upload the photo to a serious website, or to attach it to a resume, or to use it as a corporate profile picture? You’re going to need a better background for your photograph.

Here you run into a problem: your photo has a bad or ruined background that you need to get rid of, but you don’t know how to work with Photoshop or Gimp, and even Picasa is too much for you. What to do? Use imgkits.com! This online photo editing tool removes the background of an image in the blink of an eye.

Here is the easiest way to cutout the background from your photographs:

Step 1: Open imgkits online.

Step 2: find the Remove Backgound section and click the Upload Image. Select the local image you want to strip the background from and upload it. Done!

Step 3: Wait for 2 seconds and imgkits can automatically remove the background of the image, click the Save button and save the result as a PNG file.

It’s easy, isn’t it? This feature of imgkits allows you to remove the background of the portrait, replace it with a transparent or solid color background, or with another background image.