If you are into tourism you probably know how difficult it is to take a picture of a hallmark without someone getting into the view the same moment you release the shutter. Too bad! One more photo is spoiled by some goofy stranger. Or not? In fact, there’s a simple way to remove people from photos without even installing anything on your computer.
With Inpaint you can almost instantly remove strangers, cars, electric lines and other unwanted objects from the photo, even from your mobile phone. With no real photo-editing skills required at all.
Step 1: Upload the image
Select the image spoiled with strangers and upload it to Inpaint.
Step 2: Select people you want to remove from the photo
Selecting is easy: take the marker tool and start highlighting the object like if you painted over it. You don’t need high precision here, just briefly mark up the contours as shown below. You can zoom in the photo or change to the smaller size of the marker if the area you need to remove is rather small.
Note that you can select multiple people this way. All of them will be removed when you start the process.
Step 3: Make them go!
Now, click the “Play” button and wait a little as Inpaint processes the picture. Normally, removing an average-sized object takes about 5 seconds. This means you can turn a spoiled picture to a nearly perfect one removing all people wandering the scene in just 5 seconds!